Not much happening 'round here. I was in a prone position with a pernicious stomach bug yesterday . We have had lots of wind and rain here. Storms like tis generally don't start until November, but this year everything seem to be happening earlier than usual. The hummingbirds returned late, but left early. La Nina years often mean more cold and more snow for us....one never knows what mother nature has in store ! Hopefully I will have more "real" stuff to write about soon !
bummer that you're not feeling well Marie :( Love that photo, what a great shot that is. We've got a cold rainy dreary day here too.
Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you are feeling better --- I had the same tummy bug --- same day as you too. It was yucky! :(
I love this picture --- San Juans? One of my favorite places of all time.
Hope you are feeling great now and that you are cozy and in textile heaven!
:) LaTeaDah
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