The day before yesterday was the day the "alien bloom" blossomed. The top photo shows the first section beginning to open. Amazing hairy little thing it is too ! The second photos shows the 'petals' beginning to curl back and the bottom photo is a close up of the center - which is actually quite lovely. If you have ever had the misfortune to smell a rotten piece of uncooked chicken - it is precisely what this plant smells like. Thankfully, one had to get quite close to it to detect the smell. I did as I took the macro shot of the center. After I took the photos I clipped the bloom off and left it outside - wondering if the crows would have any interest. They didn't ! Helen was away - and gave me permission to clip her blossom when the smell became too ripe ! None-the-less, it was a fascinating experience to watch this plant bloom. There surely must be a reason for the smell - though I can't figure it out. It is not like a Venus Fytrap - where the bloom attracts prey for food and then closes as it digests the hapless bug. Nature is, truly, the most amazing creator .... I am constantly in awe.

So bad for the smell, especially in an office ;-) The flower is beautiful though, so as was the bud.
wow how cool! Maybe it smells so bad to keep the wildlife from eating it?
A wonderful flower - and here in the internet I can only see the beautiful colours and it does´t smell bad here.
the visual texture is exquisite!
How can such a beautiful flower smell so bad? Can you do radiating circles like that with your felting or can't you pull the fibers that thin?
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