I seem to fall into time warps often at times- a day goes by in the blink of an eye and a week is gone in with the speed on a single thought. Last week was one of those weeks. I was not feeling overly inspired and felt the need for a change of pace. I got to "go to America" (which is what islanders call going off island to the mainland) to visit my 'family' Lauren & Carlo, who moved off the island in late June. I LOVE chickens and Lauren wanted me to paint their chicken coop door. During the week I had been sketching what I would paint, but when I saw the door none of my "visions" would work so I had to come up with plan B. I also had not envisioned a grey-green door for the background - white was on my mind! The paints that I picked up were awful - more like painting with goopy clay than anything else...won't buy that brand again! Next time I am going to with good old fashioned acrylic enamels. Here I am trying to come up with Plan B.

This is "The Colonel" - my model for the door! He has a harem of four hens and is young and just getting the hang of crowing.He's mellow and seems to enjoy being the only rooster in the hen house!

This is "Thumper" the grande dame of the roost. She is large and beautiful and is the senior gal in the nest boxes. She came with their property and we think that she is a Buff Orkington. Her fellow harem mates are three small Plymouth bantams named Sophia,Audrey and Bridget.

It was a wonderful weekend and was a joyful time of renewal for Lauren and I. We visited a wonderful town called Lynden, ate great food, visited antique, quilt and knitting stores and once again acknowledged the need for our small 'family' to remain close. Having family is a blessing - whether with two or four legs ... or in this case with feathers !

What a fabulous fun time you've had and I love the painting!
Love the chicken house painting. And Lunni does look like a very special cat, and unlike Bixy probably doesn't make your legs go numb when she sits on your lap!
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