Saturday, September 26, 2009

Book Review; "Defining Twilight" By Brain Leaf

"Defining Twilight" by Brian Leaf is one book that I never thought I would be reviewing. This is a study guide for the SAT's, SSAT's, GED & ACT. When Brian Leaf asked if I would consider reviewing his book I thought at first that I would say "no thanks"  because the last time I took the SAT was in the dark ages and I have no children so it would make no sense for me to review a book that was a vocabulary study guide. Ah Ha! As we emailed back and forth a bit I realized that his little study guide was not simply a study guide but that it is about words and vocabulary - something that I thoroughly adore. I said that I would enjoy having a look at "Defining Twilight" and a few days later this little gem arrived in the mail.

In short, I think that this study guide is genius -  especially for this time and place when we are all (well, at least many of us are) still enthralled with Stephanie Meyer's 'Twilight" book series.  What Brian Leaf has done, and done very well, is to craft a vocabulary study guide framed by the pages of these very popular books. I make a 760 something on this part of SAT (we will NOT discuss the deplorable 500 something that I made on the math part!!), but if I had had the benefit of this sort of study guide I know that I would have aced the exam. No kidding - this book would make studying - and studying with a group - more like a fun scavenger hunt than like study/work!

Remember that you should double click on the images to get a closer view of these fun exercises!

Even for those of us who are long past the SAT taking age I find the exercises in this book really fun to do. I remembered how difficult some of these exams really are for young folks  (or for those of us who are 'older' folks too!) and I also remembered how much I enjoy word play.

Have a look at some of these questions and see how well you might do! Perhaps it will bring up some of the more decent memories of high school for you too! All in all I have to say that Brian Leaf has accomplished what I believe many parents have long wished for: a study guide that makes learning fun and ties in with a book series that so many young people know and love. If I had had a similar guide for math I might have aced these dang SAT's .. but alas, it's still only words that enchant me - not math! I highly recommend this little book for anyone who has teens about to take any exam that requires vocabulary knowledge or for adults who are still enchanted by the wonderful world of word play. Well done Brian Leaf!


phonelady said...

you know you are just so awesome . I hope you got the little something I sent in the mail . talk to you soon I hope .

Unknown said...

Marie thanks for the heads up on this one, i think I will be ordering one for my daughter.

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