I have wanted to get a Mandala software for some time but there never seemed to be any made that would work on my Mac. I am pleased to be able to say that now there is a program for Macs too! AS I was aimlessly browsing last evening I stumbled upon this software and, in a moment of total abandon, I paid for it. I should not have done that right now when money is tight - and I am experiencing a bit of guilt - but that's neither here nor there. The software is intuitive - these are the first two, albeit not that beautiful, mandala I have made. There is a full color palette available but I chose to just use black and white. The shapes are deceptively simple - but, when you adjust the slides you get a mind bogeling array of possibilities. I am envisioning many hours hours spent in the zen of mandala construction!
Okay - so here is the place to go for this magical mandala software - that works on Macs!!!

Okay - so here is the place to go for this magical mandala software - that works on Macs!!!

Mandalas are so much fun. Software is a great thing.
imi place mandala. i like mandala
your blog is beautiful
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