Monday, July 9, 2007

Veils of Many Colors

I made this self portrait some time ago for a QuiltArt Magazine challenge. Somehow it suited me. It was me and yet it wasn't me. I realized that I like this piece because it shows what I actually think about presenting myself to the world. We all have a persona , or a veil color, of one sort or another. There is generally one for work, one for home , one for parties, one that no one else but you ever sees. You get my drift. Each of us is a composite of many colors, many facets.

I like to think that we all have veils of many colors - one for home, one for work, one for parties, one for art, one for real - that's the "UN-VEIL". All of the veils are useful, but no single veil is a complete picture of who the person underneath really is. The veil that a person may see me surrounded by is their impression of who and what I am - not nearly the reality. I think that one reason that very close friendships and marriages take work to remain strong and healthy is that, over time, we start to see under the veils - and it isn't always a peaches and cream complexion under there ! To love and really know a person we have to be able to a their faults and weaknesses - along with all of the pretty colors. We have have to be able to know and love ourselves - with all of our many veils - as well.

I'm not sure where this all came from - or why. Every time I look at my self portrait I start to think of veils and what we present to the world - that's all I guess. What color is your veil today?


Anonymous said...

Why teal of course! Teeheee...

stopped at a yarn store yesterday on the way home and thought of you.... lots of glorious yarns and glorious colors... was good and didn't spend, but was sorely tempted....

miss you love you, Sarah

Anonymous said...

It is a very beautiful piece:), looks like lots of work too:)!

KZ said...

I don't wear a veil but like to hide behind my camera! It hides my face.

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