Monday, September 1, 2008

Updated Kakishibui Silk Scarf

Remember when I posted about the cool mini work shop in Kakishibui dyeing with fermented persimmon juice that was held, thanks to the Textile Guild, at the fair in August? Well I decided to play around with the scarf a bit more. I washed it with a baking soda solution again, left it outside to dry, and then printed some leaf & fern shapes onto it with transparent Stewart Gill paints. I like it a lot better now ! I may try to lightly over-dye the whole thing and see what happens -- that would be my next project. Experiment. Experiment ! What do you think?

My thought for the day today is from the Tao Te Ching:

"... Let the Tao be present in your life
and you will become genuine.
....Let it be present in your country
and your country will be an example.
Let it be present in the Universe
and the Universe will sing!....."


Doreen K. said...

I think the scarf is beautiful. So delicate looking.

La Tea Dah said...

The scarf is lovely with the leaf prints. Hmmm, very lovely --- I'm sure experimenting would work out fine, but it's so pretty this way too!

And thank you for the quote for the day. It's filled with wisdom.


Vicki W said...

Wow, the scarf is beautiful! I've enjoyed catching up with what you've been doing this week.

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