Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two Fun 'Tests' & Finally Time To Knit AGain

It seems like I have been doing lots of things - some very enjoyable (pens and inks) some just things that had to be done and done well (preparing things to send off). I am, finally feeling that I have some time to sew, knit and draw - and I am taking a big happy breath at this! I need to make a bluebird for my applique piece - I made one and got it sewn on and then decided that I did not like it well enough for the piece. I took it off and am back at the proverbial drawing board trying some others now. As Fall approaches I am reminded of how cold my hands always are in the Winter - so I am making another set of hand warmers (aka fingerless gloves). I made a pair last year and I love them - and really use them almost all the time. This pattern is simple, knits quickly & is perfect for what I like in a hand warmer.I have been using Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk. Oh ! I love love love this stuff and it seems to be getting harder to find. It felts blissfully too. I had some of this amazingly luscious yarn on hand in a great russet color - enough for this pair. I will hunting for more soon too.... a deep cobalt blue would be nice. I have been thinking that my color palette preferences have been shifting a bit lately....returning to a need to have deep teals and jewel colors around me. Interesting how our preferences wax and want - isn't it?

So I am going to totter off to blue bird & knitting land for a bit, but I'm leaving you with a couple of fun on line things to do.

This one is a color test that has been making the rounds - and you may well already know about it. Fun to try if you have not already done it!

This one is a great stripe generator - great for arranging knitting patterns - just another fun way to play with something that uses color !

Have a joyful, creative Sunday !

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