I have, indeed, succumbed to the fountain pen bug, or perhaps it is, rather, that I have returned to the fountain pen fold after a prolonged absence. What is new - to me at least - is that the fountain pen ink industry has blossomed in my absence. As I recollect ink was generally a matter or blue,black or blue-black. Parker Super Quink did make a beautiful turquoise that I remember fondly while Sheaffer had an amazing green. There were reds to be had at that point as wel l- I especially remember that Osmiroid made a red that I used in a calligraphy pen. In general though, there was a dearth of color in fountain pen ink....which made doodling with a fountain pen less enjoyable. No more !!! Fountain pen inks are now as beautiful & varied as any artist's medium - ink purveyors are now truly artists & their inks have become a true art medium. There are 'wet' inks, 'dry' inks, lubricating inks, inks in every color, shade and tone that you could wish for .. and did I mention that most are blendable as well?! There are even highlighting inks. Ooolala!! Check out some of the amazing colors available at J.Herbin inks (one of my favorite companies that also makes dip pens and sealing waxes), or Noodlers inks - with an amazing palette of inks available made right here in the USA. Another of my favorites is Private Reserve ink. You will be amazed at the variety!
I have, therefore, been spending an inordinate amount of time learning about pens and inks, collecting them & recently even trading them. I have also been enjoying doodling a lot - as I try out each new pen and ink in various combinations. They have become a revelation, much like using Caran D'Ache Neocolor crayons or Stewart Gill paints have been. This is the beginning of my doodling journey so I thought I would show you a couple of pages of my doodles - wrought as I try a new pen, or a new ink or various combinations of both! Inks are magical, intriguing and they have really captured my imagination. Go out and buy a fountain pen - you really won't regret it and your writing & doodling life might change - just as mine has ! I was astounded at how many wonderful pen companies are out there now- willing to help you choose just the right pen for you. Of course, because of where I live I had to depend on on-line resources - and there are PLENTY of them! I got my first pen from jet pens - they have an amzing array of pens available - Japanese pens like Pilot for instance. Their prices are very reasonable and they sell lots of cool new art supplies - like water brushes, markers, crayons, water colors etc. After that I decided I needed to do some research. I joined the Fountain Pen Network. This is a very well though out site with some of the nicest, most helpful people you will ever find in an on-line site. There are always great pens being sold through their 'market place' feature. I Sell Pens is another online site taht insures fast service, great prices and an array of reasonable priced entry level (or high level) pens. I could on - and probably will in the future - about the amazing resources for pen fanatics like I am becoming. Ink On!..and have a very happy weekend !
I have, therefore, been spending an inordinate amount of time learning about pens and inks, collecting them & recently even trading them. I have also been enjoying doodling a lot - as I try out each new pen and ink in various combinations. They have become a revelation, much like using Caran D'Ache Neocolor crayons or Stewart Gill paints have been. This is the beginning of my doodling journey so I thought I would show you a couple of pages of my doodles - wrought as I try a new pen, or a new ink or various combinations of both! Inks are magical, intriguing and they have really captured my imagination. Go out and buy a fountain pen - you really won't regret it and your writing & doodling life might change - just as mine has ! I was astounded at how many wonderful pen companies are out there now- willing to help you choose just the right pen for you. Of course, because of where I live I had to depend on on-line resources - and there are PLENTY of them! I got my first pen from jet pens - they have an amzing array of pens available - Japanese pens like Pilot for instance. Their prices are very reasonable and they sell lots of cool new art supplies - like water brushes, markers, crayons, water colors etc. After that I decided I needed to do some research. I joined the Fountain Pen Network. This is a very well though out site with some of the nicest, most helpful people you will ever find in an on-line site. There are always great pens being sold through their 'market place' feature. I Sell Pens is another online site taht insures fast service, great prices and an array of reasonable priced entry level (or high level) pens. I could on - and probably will in the future - about the amazing resources for pen fanatics like I am becoming. Ink On!..and have a very happy weekend !
Dick Wright says fountain pens are great except for those lefties ( of which he is one) Darn! That would have made a good October birthday for him. Janet Wright
Marie, I love that you get so much pleasure at every turn in your artistic journey. Cool inks! I had no idea there were so many choices these days. Makes sense, though, with all of the other wonderful dyes and inks available now. Keep on experimenting..... and enjoying life.
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