Friday, April 3, 2009

Peachy Cat: The Series

I am doing a series of cat faces and this is one that I just finished. I am not that fond of this one but that's okay - it will work. I am triny different color combinations and will then pick those that I like the best and do a whole cloth type of quilt with them I think. The green, in actuality, is not as flourescent as it appears here, although for some odd reason the other colors are quite true.
It appears that the hummingbirds may catch a break this weekend...we may actually have some Spring like weather this weekend. Today is sunny but chilly here - but it is snowing on the mainland!!


Petta said...

Gorgeous but too difficult to make, right? How much time did you spend working on it?

Terry Grant said...

Well, I love your cat face! It is very iconic and that background color mottling is wonderful. Looking forward to more cats.

Sandy said...

I like the cat, but the only way to know if you would like it is to try the color combination. Some of my things that I've like the least, others have really liked.

La Tea Dah said...

Charming and expressive. I love your cat face! He reminds me of my Bucky, except for the green, of course.

Enjoy a happy 'island day'! I wish I were there --- but we have sunshine today, so yeah!

I hope all is well with you!


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