This is the latest small bag I've finished. It's definitely one of my favorites! The Spousal says that I say that after I finish each one - maybe that means I get better with each one I make?! This one is unlined and I had a great time concentrating on the quilting, beading & other small details. Generally I don't like using a satin stitch much for the edges - but I thought that this bag called for a simple approach and so I used a dense stitching on it. I also machine seamed this bag - and I liked the effect. I have been trying to figure out ways to get the looks I want without spending quite as many hours per bag and this method is faster & simpler that doing the blanket stitch. I think it's a good option for some designs. I thoroughly enjoy letting each bag "tell" me what to do. I like not having plans for the final result - it allows me to really just "go with the flow"!
Now I am moving on to get the knitting bag finished - I hand basted the zipper in last night - so maybe by tomorrow it will almost finished .

I love the size-- and the colorful "attitude" it conveys!
beautiful bag and wonderful stiches! love these one!
Love the colors in this one and that face bead is perfect for it. What a nice touch that is.
I really love your bags, Marie!
You know, I love your little bags and these is one of my favourits!
I love the red and green together on the first one. Maybe the satin stitching will give it a firmer edge that won't stretch with age. I don't think it detracts from the beauty.
What a beautiful little bag as are the rest of the ones you have made. Just love them.
You make the most amazing little bags - this one is gorgeous!!
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