Odie was always the caretaker. When a new cat was welcomed to my burgeoning cat family Odie was always the one to greet them- and he took each under his wing until they became acclimated to the clan. Odie was loving and gentle - an old soul I believe- he was so much more than just a pet. He was a part of my heart.
On Sunday June 15th, Odie went to the other side of the veil. He suffered from kidney failure and kitty dementia. I probably waited a day or two too long really. It was the right thing to do - but I still feel bereft. Bart left us on April 29th, Tinker on May 12th and now "the O". The series of three is it for awhile I hope...my heart can't take much more.....we have two felines left in the family now - both red & both about 14 years old.
I'm sorry about the loss of Odie. It sounds like he had a wonderful life with you!
I'm sorry. I'm sure this is a hard day for you.
My condolences regarding the passing over of Odie. Be comforted that he is under the Rainbow Bridge, playing with his former compadres - waiting to see you walking over...I too have catz - right now 1 himalayan sealpoint and 1 tortie Siamese, both rescue cats. I did have 2 Siamese, female and male named Buttercup and Rajah - Buttercup passed over the Rainbow Bridge in 1999 at age 20; Raj passed in June 2005,also 20yrs old, while sleeping by my side. They are both missed greatly - I have their ashes in a custom box, sometimes when I walk by the book shelf, I swear I see that box shake. Both of my cats had kidney disease, but lived quite a while on Kitty dialysis. But Mother Nature had her way in the end. Your Odie was certainly a beauty for sure. Sending you a big comfort hug...
Anna Rice - Tampa
sending gentle hugs, Odie was a good age and I'm sure he knew he wss much loved.
Marie, I am sitting here rather blurry eyed because you wrote such a loving tribute to your sweet cat. Anyone who has lost a dear friend whether furry or feathered knows that profound sense of loss that comes with their absence. My heart goes out to you. You have captured the essence of your "old soul" in your artwork. Hugs to you.
My heart is breaking over your kitty losses Marie. Odie was so lucky to have you take care of him and vice versa.
It must have been so difficult to let him go. He had a good life, from what you tell, and that is what you must remember.
I am soooo thinking of you right now. XXXX
oh Marie...I am so sorry for your latest loss. But you gave Odie a wonderful life (and his Vitamin E!) for nineteen years, and his fan club of fiber fanatics is legion.
We should all know such love.
sending hugs,
Cathy in NE PA
I"m so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my cat of 19 years in January and I still cry almost daily. The grief is deep and raw. I keep wanting to do art with her in it and I just can't get past the tears to see so it's not time yet. I know how much your heart hurts. My other girl is suffering from kidney failure and thyroid issues. My 8 year old son is on a trip with my husband and won't be home for another week and I'm trying to just hang on to her long enough for Sam to say his goodbyes. I will then be catless and that thought creates a new deep pain from what I can't imagine. I'm so sorry that you have suffered so much in such a short period of time. You will be in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry to read of your loss! Animals can grab our hearts in a way no human ever could. You did a great portrait of him.
My heart goes out to you Marie. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one, whether furry or human. I am sure your furbabies knew they were well loved.
My heart goes out to you. You have hit a pretty rough patch the past couple of months and just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you.
Oh Marie, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I definitely have a soft spot for Odie, because you and I got acquainted when you showed his portrait in Houston. I'm so sorry, Marie. You gave him a wonderful home, and he passed that gift on to your other kitties. What a sweety.
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